Dr.B.Susheelamma is a senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with an experience of over three decades.
Life takes a colossal turn, the moment you find out that you are expecting a baby. Ensuring a happy and a healthy pregnancy, culminating in the delivery of a healthy baby is a dream of every Obstetrician and she is proud to have been an integral part of that journey.
She has popularised the concept of painless delivery and childbirth preparation.
Her immaculate clinical acumen coupled with exhaustive experience has helped to solve the problems of many childless couples. Infertility is considered a mystical subject and her comprehensive infertility management has filled their life with joy.
She has initiated Laparoscopic Training Centre at Hosahalli Referral Hospital, BBMP in 2002 for which she is fondly remembered by innumerable doctors and other trainees.She has performed more than 20,000 (Twenty Thousand) STERILISATION PROCEDURES through Laparoscopy & Minilaparotomy for which she has received laurels from the Government of Karnataka.
She is a Life member of various State, National and International Societies like the Indian Medical Assocition,Indian Red Cross Society,Family Physician Association,B.S.O.G., and F.O.G.S.I.
She is a recipient of various Awards including the
- Best Doctor Award from BBMP in 1986
- Excellent Service Award in 1980 from the Govt.of Karnataka for doing extra-ordinary work in the field of Family Planning.
She has served maternity and geriatric population in particular, and the community at large.